
Mediation Works
Helps Your Business Move Forward

You work hard to build your company,
but conflict is getting in the way.

What does it cost?
when co-owners clash?
and employees criticize and complain?
Calculate the cost of conflict in your business here

What is the cost when good employees leave,
and you have to recruit, hire and train new staff?

Linda Gryczan of Mediation Works knows

  • Warring employees can learn to communicate and work well together.
  • The natural tension between different styles can be handled successfully.

Mediation Works will help:

  • Employees communicate effectively so everyone does their best job.
  • Transform differences into strengths for a diverse and dynamic workplace.
  • Create an effective and efficient organization where people work together as a team.
  • Create communication agreements that work.
  • Make a plan for when communication goes sideways.
  • Check in periodically to make sure agreements are followed.

Though it may not feel like it when you disagree, the best workplaces have people with completely different perspectives. I will work with your staff and supervisors to balance the natural tension, and help you create clear communication and a good working relationship.

Workplace Mediation in 4 Steps

Contact Linda here to take the first step to resolve workplace conflict. Click here to meet Linda and see a full description of her mediation services.